I am asking the other agencies to forgive me in advance; they�ll probably want to kill me after reading this article )) To tell you the truth, I had doubts about letting my readers know about the shady side of dating agencies, but after giving it some thought I decided that sharing this information will be useful.
Most girls whose profiles you find on the best dating websites are dating agencies� clients. Websites profit from this � the more women post on them, the more men register, so the website owners get more money from its users. Some sites tell you a member of what dating agency the woman is, but others don�t mention this at all. Very often website owners have no idea if women are dating agency clients or not because these agencies create dating profiles for their clients. And women themselves often hide the fact that they are members of some dating agency.
What�s so bad about a woman being in the agency? Nothing. It�s even better if a woman uses services of a good dating agency that takes responsibility for its clients, knows them personally, and checks their identity, etc., which enables the agency to guarantee that its clients aren�t scammers. Of course, this is a good thing.

Someone might argue, �What�s so bad about that? It�s fine as long as the letter contains no lies.� Well, personally I wouldn�t want to go to another country to meet a person who I know only through letters written by somebody else. He or she might be a completely different person who most likely won�t interest me. It is for this reason that most meetings don�t have any continuation. But men don�t know this, and there�s no way to check if the letters they receive are written by their potential dates or by somebody else. They write to women, come to their home countries, go on dates with several of them, but never find the one who they�d like to marry.
Count how much money you spend on all these trips that lead to nothing. Isn�t it better to pay for the individual search and meet several women during the same visit � women who are found specifically for you, taking in consideration your criteria? It is your choice!