Most people who are looking for a serious relationship on a dating site ask: how many months do you need to correspond on the Internet before you meet someone in person?
Of course, there is no simple answer to that. Some meet up after a month of correspondence or communication on Skype, others after two or three months. It all depends on the circumstances. Not everyone can at any given moment quit work and all his affairs for a few days and take off to another country. Especially if the man and the woman live in opposite corners of the world. But no matter how near or far apart they are, I do not advise delaying the meeting. Sometimes people make a big mistake of not hurrying to look each other in the eyes. They sit for hours in Skype, talking, laughing, watching each other, often falling in love with the person at the other side of the screen, and it seems that here it is, my other half, found at last. But this may be an illusion. Nothing can substitute a meeting in person.

I tried to meet women from my city or the surrounding areas. I would go to meetings as I do to work. Given that the meetings took place after the day's work, it was very tiring. Saturdays and Sundays were free of meetings for me, I rested. Every evening I met five women. Half an hour for each. The first date at 18-30, the last at 20-30. I warned them from the start that I was very busy and could only spend 30 minutes at the appointment. Women never minded, quite on the contrary, they even replied that they too had no free time, especially since the next day we both had to go to work. Thirty minutes is quite enough to understand whether this is your type of person or not. We had the time to drink a cup of coffee, perhaps even two. There happened times when I would fancy the woman and I was willing to call her out on a second date to get to know her better, but she would tell me that I was not exactly her type. It also happened that the woman would want to move to the next stage, but I had to refuse. Sometimes our opinions coincided. Sometimes we felt mutual aversion after five minutes of dialogue, and the 30 minutes were not needed at all.
Four times I had to take a ride to another city, so impressed was I by talking to those women online that I decided to go. And twice I even flew to different countries. I combined, so to speak, the pleasant and the useful: I met the women and I took a look at the countries.
Thus, my search of the wife lasted five months. She was five hundred and twenty ninth. ))))
But a friend of mine was into correspondence with a woman for one year and two months, he thought she was his fate, but when they met, they did not work it out. With the second one he corresponded and talked on Skype for eight months, but also nothing came out of it. My friend got angry and decided not to waste time any more: he went to meet the third woman after three weeks of on line communication. And he married her!
It does happen! Meet, meet, and you are sure to find the person, predestined for you!
Yan Braun
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